If you didn't like it then, well, things haven't changed much. If you liked this part of the first game, you'll definitely feel at home here. You still fight your way through dungeon after dungeon as you search for the key to the next level. Aside from the graphical overhaul and new items, there is very little to differentiate the dungeon aspect of Dark Cloud 2 with its predecessor. It's so similar that you'll find yourself fighting many of the same enemies and picking up many of the same items in similarly constructed dungeons. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? It should if you played the first Dark Cloud because the dungeon crawling aspect of the sequel is almost identical to the previous game. Much of Dark Cloud 2 is spent crawling around randomly generated dungeons while searching for the exit key. But regardless of what styles and genres Dark Cloud 2 attempts to combine, the game is a straight-up RPG at its core, and I couldn't be more thankful.

Gameplay Dark Cloud 2, like the original Dark Cloud, is a compelling m¿lange of gameplay styles that may feel awkward at first, but slowly settles into a comfortable pace after a few hours of play. Did they succeed in outdoing not only themselves, but also the competition? Absolutely.

Now, there are a slew of great RPGs currently available, making Level-5's job of creating a standout sequel that much harder.
The original Dark Cloud was a big hit on the PS2, not only because it was a great game, but also because it was one of the only RPGs out on the PS2 at the time.